This is a list of all Tubes artifacts

Tube display at MRT

The display is for unique and interesting tubes. There are others beyond the inventory for study and measurements. There are also many common tubes for sale from the tube closet.

Equipment Type Manufacturer Model Number Description Inventory Number
Tubes Amperex 6693 Rectifier Tube 1778
Tubes Philips Type Nr 28136/00 High Voltage Rectifier Tube 1779
Tubes RCA CRC 810 Transmitting Triode Tube 1782
Tubes Sperti VT-266 Quick Heating Vacuum Rectifier Tube 1777
Tubes Sylvania SK-220C Klystron 1780
Tubes Telefunkin RL12P35 Transmitting Pentode Tube 1781
Tubes Western Electric 355A Thyratron Tube 1776