Eimac Radio Transmitting Tube Model 4-1000A

Eimac Radio Transmitting Tube Model 4-1000A

Manufacturer: Eimac

Model Number: 4-1000A

Serial #:

Equipment Description: Radio Transmitting Tube

Label Write-up:
The 4-1000A is a radial beam tetrode with a maximum plate dissipation rating of 1000 watts. It was intended for use as an amplifier, oscillator, or modulator. It is capable of efficient operation well into the vhf range. The 4-1000A must be mounted vertically. The base may be down or up. The recommended socket is the SK-500 Air-System Socket.

Dates Produced: 1940s - 1950s

Original Price:

The museum's inventory number: MRT-1801

Located at Museum in: Tube Display Room