Syntron Might be a Kenotron Model 627 (322)?

Syntron Might be a Kenotron Model 627 (322)?

Manufacturer: Syntron

Model Number: 627 (322)?

Serial #:

Equipment Description: Might be a Kenotron

Label Write-up:
Mystery tube. It has a large mogul base and a top cap. Two wires go to the base. Probably attached to a cathode. One wire to the top cap, probably the anode. Heavy duty construction, probably for high voltages or high power. It is a large tube at almost 12 inches tall. Only one mention of Syntron in the literature. Homer City, PA. Otherwise no information on this tube.

Dates Produced:

Original Price:

The museum's inventory number: MRT-1790

Located at Museum in: Tube Display Room