Drake FM Transceiver Model Marker-Luxury (ML-2)

Drake FM Transceiver Model Marker-Luxury (ML-2)

Manufacturer: Drake

Model Number: Marker-Luxury (ML-2)

Serial #: 10639

Equipment Description: FM Transceiver

Label Write-up:
The best of the Japanese, the Marker Luxury VHF FM Transceiver is built for and distributed and backed by the R. L. Drake Co. Includes transceiver, two channels supplied, mobile mount, microphones, coax cable, and antenna. 144-148 MHz, 12 channels, Push-to-talk, 13.4VDC, RF Output Power: 10 watts, Audio Output: Greater than 80dB 0.5 watt with 10% or less distortion.

Dates Produced: 1980's?

Original Price: $330

The museum's inventory number: MRT-986

Located at Museum in: Ham Shack