HeathKit External VFO Model HG-10

HeathKit External VFO Model HG-10

Manufacturer: HeathKit

Model Number: HG-10

Serial #:

Equipment Description: External VFO

Label Write-up:
This Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO) was built for use with HeathKit's DX-60 transmitter. Calibrated to cover 80 - 2 meter bands but it will provide drive on 220 MHz and 44 MHz also. The HG-10 requires an external power source of B+ of 140 volts or more at 25 mA and 6.3 volts at 0.75 amp for filament.

Dates Produced: 1961 - 1966

Original Price: $38

The museum's inventory number: MRT-979

Located at Museum in: Ham Shack