Hallicrafters Transceiver and Power Supply Model SR-150 / PS-150-120

Hallicrafters Transceiver and Power Supply Model SR-150 / PS-150-120

Manufacturer: Hallicrafters

Model Number: SR-150 / PS-150-120

Serial #:

Equipment Description: Transceiver and Power Supply

Label Write-up:
19 tube,10 diodes, 1 variocap, CW-SSB 80 through 10 meters. Features RIT, AALC, VFO, MOX, VOX, break-in CW operation, crystal lattice filter, product detector, S- and RF-meter, 100KHz crystal calibrator. Power supply PS-150-120 was $100.

Dates Produced: 1961 - 1963

Original Price: $395

The museum's inventory number: MRT-353

Located at Museum in: Ham Display Room