HeathKit Tape Recorder Pre-amp Model Monaural Tape Electronics TE-1

HeathKit Tape Recorder Pre-amp Model Monaural Tape Electronics TE-1

Manufacturer: HeathKit

Model Number: Monaural Tape Electronics TE-1

Serial #:

Equipment Description: Tape Recorder Pre-amp

Label Write-up:
An analog mono tube pre-amp. It is used with a tape recorder. Select between inputs LINE and MIC. Equalization for 7.5 or 3.73 tape speeds. Use for both play and record. Set the record gain and the playback gain. Has a tuning eye tube. Cabinet is vinyl-clad steel. Leather texture in black with gold inlaid design.

Dates Produced: 1955

Original Price: $99

The museum's inventory number: MRT-1751

Located at Museum in: 40's and 50's Room