General Radio Radio Frequency Bridge Model Type 516-C

General Radio Radio Frequency Bridge Model Type 516-C

Manufacturer: General Radio

Model Number: Type 516-C

Serial #: 665

Equipment Description: Radio Frequency Bridge

Label Write-up:
Bridges to measure DC or audio frequencies had been around for years. This improvement measures the higher frequencies of radio transmission. One application is the testing of antenna characteristics. Capacitance range: 0 - 1150 picofarads. Resistance range: 0-111 ohms, Frequency range: 500 kc to 5000 kc. Accuracy: 1% to 5% up to 5 megacycles. Accessories: The bridge is supplied complete with output transformer but without a radio-frequency generator.

Dates Produced: 1933 - 1935

Original Price: $225

The museum's inventory number: MRT-1190

Located at Museum in: Test Equipment Room